爸媽都是工人出生,他們從很年輕時就必須出外工作賺錢幫忙維持家計。小時候, 他們在讀書方面表現不錯,只因家境貧困,而無法就讀初中。因此,在他們心裏 面,就希望我們好好用功讀書,將來不用像他們一樣賺錢辛苦。話雖如此,但他們還是以興趣為導向,而不會硬逼或強逼我們一定要考第一名,或升學上什麼很利害 的學校。也因為這樣,我們在讀書上就真的是以"興趣"為導向。...(爸媽到目前都還不知道,我國中曾因某件事對國文老師不爽,而交了近一年白卷...有 叛逆吧><)
在自己的決定之下,利用助學貸款完成研究所學業。對大學及研究所的印象只有二件事...."讀書"及"交女朋友"(目前 的老婆)。也許是考插大所養成的讀書習慣以及室友們也是很會讀書的怪咖(當時三個室友,二個室友博士畢業,另一個室友在美國攻博士)。很難想像,當同學們 去聯誼、去玩社團到處趴趴走時,我們幾乎每天晚上七點到系上圖書館報到,十點或十一點回宿舍休息,就算假日沒回家,也是窩在圖書館裏找顏如玉。這樣的日 子,在當時覺得很平常。(也許很多人覺得我們瘋了)
之後,交了很不錯的女朋友,去申請國防役,結果就順利在目前的單位上班了。然而,一晃眼就是七 八年過去。現在,自己有了二個小孩,常常也會思考他們的教育問題。我老婆是一直很想塞"知識"給小孩子,而我反而覺得知識是其次,重要的是品德、生活常規 及處理事情的態度。 目前台灣社會上,擁有研究所學歷的人非常多,有博士學位的人也很多。博士、研究生、大學生三者的差別在哪?相信有超過五成的所謂高知識分子無法回答。就算 無法回答也是照樣可以讀研究所或博士班。但這其實讓我很憂心台灣在高等教育及一般教育上的能力差異化。也就是說,政府沒有一個明確的機構或單位可以協助這 些欲升學的學生們進行升學性向分析及升學就業分析諮詢,而造就目前不少已經讀到博士或碩士的人不知為何而讀書?畢業後,也不知道能做什麼工作?或者是勉強 撐畢業了,但學業基礎實力太低,空有高學歷,而在社會上找工作仍處處碰壁的情形。最近,身旁不少人打算升學,希望她(他)們能了解所為何事。若知其事就認 真去讀,而不是"研究所學歷比較好看,比較好找工作...等"之粗淺且表面的理由。畢境,怎麼收穫就怎麼栽。
2009年8月12日 星期三
2009年8月11日 星期二
Windows XPE 之 EWF功能指令
Windows XPE 之 EWF功能指令
啟動EWF: ewfmgr C: -enable
解除EWF: ewfmgr C: -commitanddisable
啟動EWF: ewfmgr C: -enable
解除EWF: ewfmgr C: -commitanddisable
2009年8月6日 星期四
SVN 資料庫格式太舊問題
幾年來,我習慣把工作上的文件檔案與程式檔案都用SVN來管理,而且只要一段時間把SVN資料庫備分即可。但最近公司電腦掛了,而我也換了4核心的新電腦。今天早上,想要把工作檔案更新到資料庫上(Commit)時,發現出現Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'這樣的錯誤訊息,而不給Commit。
Failed to load module for FS type ‘bdb’ in TortoiseSVN 1.6.x
May 15th, 2009 by Robert
Today I’ve met small problem with my beloved TortoiseSVN client. I was in need to access some old repository stored locally on my computer – for newer projects I’m usingdedicated Debian based SVN server. Anyway, trying to access to my local repository via TortoiseSVN has resulted with following message:
Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'
After quick Googling it appeared that from branch 1.6.x, TortoiseSVN doesn’t support local file:/// repositories based on BDB and they need to be converted to new FSFS format using ’svnadmin’ command line tool as it is explained in SVNBook. As ’svnadmin’ tool is not present in TortoiseSVN, some additional work is needed.
Finally I did in following way:
1. download and Tigris build of SVN (it was svn-win32-1.6.1.zip in my case). I’ve tried both 1.5.x and 1.6.x version of CollabNet’s SVN but apparently they do not support local BDB as well,
2. unpack it to any directory, and using command line enter to the bin subdirectory where the svnadmin.exe tool is stored
3. as written in the book, make dump of your repository with following command:
svnadmin dump c:\FullPathToOldRepository > dumpfile.bin
4. create new repository in choosen directory, you can use TorotoiseSVN for it as well, now it won’t ask you for data storage format as BDB is disabled, so it will use FSFS.
5. import dump data into new repository:
svnadmin load c:\FullPathToNewRepository < dumpfile.bin
That is, it worked for me like a charm.
Failed to load module for FS type ‘bdb’ in TortoiseSVN 1.6.x
May 15th, 2009 by Robert
Today I’ve met small problem with my beloved TortoiseSVN client. I was in need to access some old repository stored locally on my computer – for newer projects I’m usingdedicated Debian based SVN server. Anyway, trying to access to my local repository via TortoiseSVN has resulted with following message:
Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'
After quick Googling it appeared that from branch 1.6.x, TortoiseSVN doesn’t support local file:/// repositories based on BDB and they need to be converted to new FSFS format using ’svnadmin’ command line tool as it is explained in SVNBook. As ’svnadmin’ tool is not present in TortoiseSVN, some additional work is needed.
Finally I did in following way:
1. download and Tigris build of SVN (it was svn-win32-1.6.1.zip in my case). I’ve tried both 1.5.x and 1.6.x version of CollabNet’s SVN but apparently they do not support local BDB as well,
2. unpack it to any directory, and using command line enter to the bin subdirectory where the svnadmin.exe tool is stored
3. as written in the book, make dump of your repository with following command:
svnadmin dump c:\FullPathToOldRepository > dumpfile.bin
4. create new repository in choosen directory, you can use TorotoiseSVN for it as well, now it won’t ask you for data storage format as BDB is disabled, so it will use FSFS.
5. import dump data into new repository:
svnadmin load c:\FullPathToNewRepository < dumpfile.bin
That is, it worked for me like a charm.
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信仰 X 貢丸店 X 搬芒果
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